When I was little I never really knew what I wanted to study, I only knew in 2021 what I really wanted, what I wanted to study, and what I study is anthropology.

Although as a child I had those dreams that are always farther away, to be an astronaut or to be a soccer player. Curiously, when I was a child I wanted to be a circus clown and at one point I also wanted to be a fireman, I never decided on something specific and so far it is something similar since I like anthropology but later I would like to study other things like psychology, journalism or political science, I wouldn't want to be locked into just one thing, so money permitting, I would like to study more.

After receiving the results of the PDT, in addition to anthropology, I applied to sociology and public administration, although public administration never convinced me 100%. 

since I was 13 years old I liked humanistic subjects a lot more, especially history, but more than learning in a strict way, I liked to know why, I also always thought about something outside of an office and I liked socializing with people, and the one that best summarizes all of that was anthropology.

My experience at the university has been very good, I like the freedoms that exist in many areas compared to school, I have made many friends and I have learned more than ever and I hope to continue learning much more.

a powerful mural that I like very much located in the facultad de filosofía y humanidades 

a meme about Messi in FACSO (where I study)


  1. It seems that a common factor in anthropologist is not having had such a good time in school. Haha!
    I hadn't seen that meme, I love it, he's going to join us to look for olives.


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